A Guided Meditation on Endings, Beginnings, and the Space Between

A Guided Meditation on Endings, Beginnings, and the Space Between

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As we move through life, we often encounter moments when one chapter closes and another begins. These moments can be powerful opportunities for reflection and growth. In this meditation by Jyothi V. Robertson, DVM, we gently explore the space between endings and beginnings, inviting you to discover the space and the possibilities that arise during these times.

Listen to the meditation below.

The meditation begins with Shamatha breathing, a practice designed to help you anchor your mind and clear away distractions. By focusing on your breath and the physical sensations in your body, you can cultivate a sense of stillness and presence. This grounding practice prepares you for the inquiry that follows—an exploration of endings and the new beginnings that emerge from them. What opportunities arise when something ends, and how can we embrace these new beginnings?

As you ponder this question, you are invited to notice where these concepts resonate in your body. This mindful observation helps connect your internal experience with the external changes happening in your life.

The meditation further includes a visualization practice where you frame an aspiration based on your reflections. This could be a thought or phrase that encapsulates what you wish to manifest from the space created by an ending. This practice not only helps you frame your desires but also connects you deeply with your intentions.

Whether you are in the midst of a significant life change or simply reflecting on the natural cycles of beginnings and endings, this meditation provides a compassionate space to explore these transitions and the opportunities they present.

About JYO Meditation Gathering

The JYO Meditation Gathering offers a unique opportunity for individuals seeking inner peace and mindfulness. These free online sitting meditation sessions, conducted via Zoom, provide a serene space where participants can connect with their inner selves and join a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Whether you’re new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, all are welcome to join this nurturing environment. Free registration can be found here.

We look forward to sitting with you in the community of practice.

Background music for this meditation session by Recluse Studios.

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