Compassion isn’t just something we feel—it’s something we can cultivate. What if you could intentionally nurture kindness, not just for others, but for yourself?
In this episode, Dr. Jyothi V. Robertson guides us through a Metta (loving-kindness) practice, offering a space to extend warmth, kindness, and care to those around us—and, just as importantly, to ourselves.
Listen to the episode below.
The session begins by settling into the breath, allowing us to arrive fully in the present moment. With each inhale and exhale, we release tension, worries, and distractions, making space for stillness and reflection.
From this grounded place, we are invited to visualize someone for whom we feel deep love and compassion. Then, gently offer these simple yet powerful phrases of loving-kindness:
May you be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you be at peace.
May you live a life of ease.
May you be safe from inner and outer danger.
As we recite these phrases, we notice how they resonate within our body, sending waves of kindness and warmth through our being. This sense of compassion grows as we expand our focus, offering these same wishes to a wider circle—loved ones, those facing hardship, and even those we may not know personally.
Finally, we turn this kindness toward ourselves. So often, we extend care to others but forget to direct that same gentleness inward. By offering these phrases to ourselves, we begin to cultivate self-compassion, warmth, and a deep sense of inner peace.
This meditation is a powerful reminder that compassion is a skill we can strengthen—one that benefits both ourselves and the world around us. Whether you’re seeking to soften self-judgment, foster connection, or simply rest in kindness, this practice offers a gentle yet transformative path forward.
Take a moment for yourself. Breathe, soften, and allow kindness to flow.
About JYO Meditation Gathering
The JYO Meditation Gathering offers a unique opportunity for individuals seeking inner peace and mindfulness. These free online sitting meditation sessions, conducted via Zoom, provide a serene space where participants can connect with their inner selves and join a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Whether you’re new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, all are welcome to join this nurturing environment. Free registration can be found here.
We look forward to sitting with you in the community of practice.