Smile Meditation to Generate Kindness and Compassion

Smile Meditation to Generate Kindness and Compassion

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Welcome to another episode of the Journey Your Own Meditation Series with Jyothi V. Robertson, DVM. In this session, we embark on a heartwarming journey through smile meditation to cultivate kindness, compassion, and inner warmth.

The core focus of this meditation practice is the physical act of smiling, which has the profound ability to elevate our mood and reduce stress reactions. Jyothi guides us through a transformative smile meditation, demonstrating how something as simple as a smile can be a powerful tool for inner healing.

“When we extend love and kindness, which can be as simple as smiling, we not only help others feel loved and cared for, we feel a sense of inner peace and contentment as well.”

Thich Naht Hanh

The Session’s Practice: Smile Meditation

For this meditation, breath was our grounding anchor that we returned to when thoughts arise. Then we moved from the breath to feeling the body’s sensation as we smiled. We brought that smile into our bodies in order to generate warmth and compassion and kindness. 

As our practice progressed, everyone brought something that was challenging in their lives into the space of kindness and compassion that we were giving ourselves through smiling. This exercise is a way of softening and releasing some of that energy around that challenging experience and allowing ourselves a little bit of comfort and space. 

By infusing your being with warmth and compassion, you can navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and find solace in the sanctuary of your inner smile.

Join us in this journey from stress to serenity and unlock the healing power of your own smile.

A recording of a smile meditation session can be found below (17:01)

About JYO Meditation Gathering

The Journey You Own Meditation Gathering are free sitting meditation sessions held online via Zoom. Free registration can be found here.

We look forward to sitting with many of you next month in the community of practice.

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