We are delighted to announce that the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB) has officially approved ‘The Journey You Own: Practices for Well-Being and Productivity’ Online Course at Maddie’s University. Learners in jurisdictions recognizing the AAVSB’s Registry of Approved Continuing Education® (RACE®) can now earn 4.0 credit hours upon completion of the course. After ... Read more
This talk centers around the oft-posed question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Wapnick’s Talk has been viewed 261,000+ views on YouTube and 2.7 Million on the TED Talks website since being delivered in April of 2015. The troubling implication of Wapnick’s leading question is that we are raised to believe ... Read more
For all you mothers – and for that matter fathers – out there, I dare you to listen to Alanis Morisettes’ song, Ablaze, and not get just a little bit teary. The song from her ninth studio album, Such Pretty Forks in the Road, is a gorgeous, heartfelt dedication to her children. The singer remotely ... Read more
Richard Hunsinger & Nathan Eisenberg give an in-depth analysis of the current crisis where economic breakdown, pandemic, and mass revolt collide into a historic conjuncture that will forever shape the trajectory of world events. Read more below.
Why do more men die from the virus than women? And why isn’t this fact impacting research into a vaccine in the U.S.? They’re two of the pandemic’s most pressing — and confounding — questions. Listen as the speakers dive deep into the role of gender and data in COVID-19. With special guest Caroline Criado ... Read more
Nick Estes, author of “Our History is the Future” and co-founder of The Red Nation Podcast, joins Breht from Rev Left Radio to discuss the history and legacy of the American Indian Movement, including the history of indigenous resistance in America, the origins and ideology of AIM, the Siege of Wounded Knee in 1973, the FBI’s COINTELPRO, the Reign ... Read more
Need help understanding the confusing world of gender? The Advocate is here with a primer with Jessie Gender to explain the difference between sex and gender?
This video shows one full class recording from Dr. West’s course examining the philosophical history of W.E.B. DuBois, the towering Black scholar and great freedom fighter of the 20th Century. The course engages in close readings of Du Bois’ classic work, “The Souls of Black Folk” (1903) as well as subsequent essays in his magisterial ... Read more
Mountaintop removal is a type of surface coal mining practiced in Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee in which explosives are used to expose underlying coal seams. It is an extremely destructive form of mining that is destroying the landscape of Appalachia as well as causing health hazards for the people living there. Research investigator ... Read more
“Physical and mental health are equal and should be treated as such.” Hailey Hardcastle established a network of student activists in order to make schools a better place for students struggling with mental health. In this TED Talk, Hailey explains why schools should offer mental health days to students in the same way they excuse ... Read more