Mountaintop removal is a type of surface coal mining practiced in Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee in which explosives are used to expose underlying coal seams. It is an extremely destructive form of mining that is destroying the landscape of Appalachia as well as causing health hazards for the people living there.
Research investigator Michael Hendryx studies mountaintop removal and has published over 30 papers on his findings. In short, Mountaintop Removal is responsible for 1200 excess deaths every year in MTR areas controlling for other risks. People who live where MTR takes place have significantly higher levels of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and chronic lung disease. Death rates from cancer are significantly elevated, as are higher rates of birth defects.
In addition to the data, Hendryx also tells the story of the pushback he has received from the coal industry and politicians. He acknowledges that critical review is healthy for science, but also raises the question, “How much evidence is enough?”. He advocates for the ethical obligation scientists have to speak to the truth and to stand up for the data.