Deeper Dive

We are in the midst of the sixth extinction. This time, we believe it is caused by humans. The dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago in the fifth mass extinction caused by an asteroid. In a video for The New Yorker, journalist Elizabeth Kolbert says we may be triggering the next mass extinction on ... Read more
Here’s why the melting Arctic should matter to us all. “Just like the Amazon are the lungs of the world, the Arctic is like our circulatory System”.  As C02 emissions drive climate change, we continue to deregulate protected areas, and as global temperatures rise to dangerous levels, the Arctic region is at a higher risk ... Read more
For the past few years, we have been witnessing the vast destruction of our ecosystem. Inspired by these events, Prince Ea pens an apology letter to future generations who will inherit the world we live in. Watch the full video below.
In this poignant, funny follow-up to his fabled 2006 TEDtalk, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning — creating conditions where kids’ natural talents can flourish. Watch the full video below.
The Global Learning Crisis – And What to Do About It By 2030, half the world’s children will be out of school or failing to learn in school.   The most important infrastructure we have is educated minds, says former Tunisian government minister Amel Karboul. Yet too often large investments go to more visible initiatives ... Read more
The IUCN (International Union for Conservation and Nature) Red List is a massive enterprise involving the IUCN Global Species program staff, partner organizations, and experts in the IUCN Species Survival Commission. It is a powerful tool used by government agencies, wildlife departments, conservation-related NGOs, natural resource planners, and educational organizations.  At its most basic, it ... Read more
Oprah Winfrey talks to Thich Nhat Hanh about becoming a monk, meeting Martin Luther King Jr, and the powers of mindfulness, insight, concentration and compassion. Watch the insightful interview below.
In the mid 1800’s, Horace Mann captured the potential impact of education on society.  We have yet to realize the potential he saw, and in fact, we are missing the mark by a wider and wider margin.  We have created a “Toxic Culture of Education” in our country that is damaging students, impacting our economy, ... Read more
It took 200,000 years for the human population to reach 1 billion—and only 200 years to reach 7 billion. Human population growth has slowed in recent years as women are having fewer children on average, however the world population is still expected to hit 11 billion people by 2100. As our population grows, so do ... Read more