Deeper Dive

Would you choose to build a house on top of an unfinished foundation?  Of course not.  Why, then, do we rush students through education when they haven’t always grasped the basics?  Yes, it’s complicated, but educator Sal Khan (founder of Khan Academy) shares his plan to turn struggling students into scholars by helping them master ... Read more
A mass extinction is the extinction of a large number of species within a relatively short period of geological time. The Earth has seen five great mass extinctions in the past that correspond to a loss of at least 75% of the species that were alive at that time. But the sixth mass extinction isn’t ... Read more
In this engaging talk, Callie shares with the TEDxCambridgeUniversity audience her experience of ‘unschooling’. Different to ‘home-schooling’, Callie reflects upon how this new educational method and philosophy impacted her development. She argues that children need to be put back at the center of their education.  ‘Unschooled’ until age 16 when she started high school in ... Read more
This may be one of the most useful short video clips my coach suggested I watch. Key takeaway – there’s a five step process that we repeat over and over. How we tackle this takes us to new levels. I’m not going to say too much here since it’s best to be watched and reflected on yourself.
Led by the United Kingdom’s Met Office, the Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update utilizes the expertise of top international climate scientists as well as computer models from leading climate centres around the world to produce actionable information on the climate outlook for the next 5 years.  This update presents a summary of annual to ... Read more
UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’ A landmark report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) warns that nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history, and the rate of extinctions is accelerating.  The report also states that current global responses are insufficient and that transformative changes are needed ... Read more
Sleep deprivation – What most parents, teachers, and school administrators think of as just part of being a teenager, Rand Corporation sleep scientist Wendy Troxel labels a public health epidemic.  Wendy believes sleep loss in teens isn’t a function of being social or participating in social media. Instead, she argues, it is mostly due to ... Read more
Over the past decade, technology companies and their leaders have launched diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives, hoping to make employees of all backgrounds and experiences feel welcome in our industry. We failed. The data shows that, especially in the tech space, we have not moved the needle on the number of women, blacks, or Latinos in our ... Read more