Journey You Own Offerings
Welcome to The Journey You Own Offerings, a curated collection of resources and tools to support your journey of self-discovery, well-being, and personal growth. Explore a variety of offerings, from guided meditations to online courses, designed to empower your personal journey towards well-being and productivity.

Follow Jyothi V. Robertson, DVM on Insight Timer
Discover the inspiring talks and guided meditations by Jyothi V. Robertson on Insight Timer, a free app dedicated to helping you build healthy habits and create a personalized well-being routine, all from the convenience of your mobile phone.

The Journey You Own: Practices for Well-Being and Productivity
In this immersive introductory course, you will discover practical strategies to create more space, incorporate contemplative practices into your life, boosting your productivity while maintaining balance.

The Journey You Own: Deep Dive Meeting Series
Watch the recordings of our deep dive sessions where we embark on an exploration of the insights outlined in the course “The Journey You Own: Practices for Wellbeing and Productivity“.